Saturday, October 19, 2019

Human geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human geography - Essay Example Geography has a rich tradition as a study Human being from earlier times had to interpret and interact with different spatial element. Knox and Marston studied human geography form a contemporary aspect. They have simplified the human geography in to three tiers; the core, the periphery and semi - periphery. The core are those countries which are the super powers of the world. They have immense wealth and power. The peripheral countries are those who are under developed and achieve no benefits from rich countries .Finally the semi – periphery countries are those which are industrializing and capitalizing countries. They resemble the characteristics of both core and peripheral regions. They play major role in enhancing the economic, social and political growth of core and peripheral regions. Even their geographical positioning comes between core and peripheral areas. Semi peripheral nations have dominance over peripheral ones and further technological developments can lead to their chances of being turned into core nation. development. These nations are on their way to position themselves as wealthy nations. They have well advanced economies but are yet to show their signs of development. Where as poor nations is far behind from rich nation and super powers, they require lot of time to even cross the poverty line. Traditional method only give importance to rich and poor, they are completely ignoring the rapidly boosting economies like India, china etc. Middle class nations with little more development in different areas like technological and politics can emerge as a well developed nation. Knox and mars ton gives complete importance to the semi peripheral category. They constitute as a different sector of the global economy. They help both developed and developing countries in the growth. These regions paves way to technological innovation and industrial development and this stimulates the growth of the economy of the

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